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Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their relationship fractured, causing them to split their joint ranch into two. Feisty and competitive heir to homegrown operated Cabella Oil, Nicole Cabella is determined to prove she's ready to take the reins of her family's business. And she's all set to initiate a renovation plan that will allow her to expand Cabella to the next level. All set, until Jake Brandini re-appears in Sunset Valley, that is. Corporate attorney Jake is sidetracked from his day-job when he's called back to the juggernaut Brandini ranch due to a family emergency. While there, Jake identifies a land dispute at the border between the Cabella and Brandini properties. Having been neglectful to his own family company, he decides to win back the land for them. In doing so, he re-ignites the rivalry between both factions, as Nicole refuses to concede to his claim on the land. Instead of pursuing a long and costly court battle, the local Sunset Valley judge proposes an unconventional manner of deciding the land's ownership whichever ranch wins the annual Sunset Valley Olive Oil Competition wins the land. The Brandini's have won three consecutive years, so Jake is confident in accepting the challenge, though he personally has no experience manufacturing oil. On the other hand, Nicole has oil in her blood, but she'll have to conquer her own self-doubt if she wants to be victorious. As Jake and Nicole work towards creating their respective olive oil submissions, while enjoying the annual Fall Festival as they do, they discover they may have more in common than they realized - and sparks begin to fly.


异形寄生:起源 完结 徐冬冬 曾志伟 麦亨利 刁彪 于小婉儿  影片的故事背景设定在虫兽与人类20年持久战之后的一次偷袭。面对这一前所未有的灾难,人类战警挺身而出,与异形虫兽展开了一场生死搏斗,誓死守护人类家园。
异形寄生:起源 科幻 电影
见证历史——侵华日军档案解密 更新至1集 该片是对吉林省档案馆新发掘的日军侵华档案第一次全面、完整、真实的视觉呈现。通过这些日本人自己留下的档案资料,客观还原了日军侵华时期中国东北乃至整个中国的历史真相。节目充分挖掘档案中的真实事例,用故事化
见证历史——侵华日军档案解密 人文历史 纪录
她杀之心 HD 埃莉萨·祖卢塔 弗兰切斯卡·勒温 马尔西亚·塔格莱 Pablo Macaya Carlos Donoso 加布里埃尔·卡尼亚斯 加布里埃尔·乌尔苏亚    1955年的智利,著名作家玛丽亚·卡罗琳娜·盖尔杀死了自己的情人。案件得到负责此案的法官秘书梅赛德斯的关注。在参观作家的公寓后,梅赛德斯开始质疑自己的生活、身份以及女性在社会中的角色,因为她在那所
她杀之心 剧情
变鬼2 更新HD Laila Boonyasak Phan Rojanarangsri Pitchanart Sakakorn    一群银行劫匪从银行逃出后,来到了<变鬼>的那幢公寓楼,想要分钱时却发现钱不翼而飞.于是他们搜查这屋楼的每一个角落,最终连被封了已久的第6层楼.终于在609室找到了钱,可是他们的钱却拿不
变鬼2 恐怖
东北奇缘 赘婿杨树林上演花式逃婚 杨树林 蒋依杉 文松 程野 田娃 董三毛 关婷娜 毕畅 赵本山 英子 倪大红 胡桧 刘子德 张春华 宋冠鹏 李尚翼 刘述 燕飞 安三 赫小刚 二黑 杨子鑫 贲科涵  女匪首林晓月一见钟情戏班弦师木根,准备将其接入山中成亲。面对这样“彪悍”的老婆,木根三番五次想要逃离却被百般刁难,致使笑料百出。有次林晓月让他去砸窑师长吴宗昌,靠岳父起家的吴宗昌正在筹谋找山贼绑架
东北奇缘 剧情 喜剧 电影
兼职女郎 走进业余兼差女 曹查理 翁世杰 邓仲坤 Chung Kwan Dang 大友梨奈 宣彤 徐寶麟  所谓“兼差女郎”,就是指港台地区一些利用业余时间卖淫的在职女性。该片讲述的就是这类女性的故事。
兼职女郎 剧情 动作 情色 电影
天涯海角1994 HD Jeni Courtney Pat Slowey Dave Duffy    菲奥里(珍妮·考特尼 Jeni Courtney 饰)在很小的时候就失去了母亲,一直和祖父过着相依为命的生活。关于菲奥里的家族一直流传着一个传说,他们的祖先莱姆(Gerald Rooney 饰)在
天涯海角1994 剧情
出于爱 HD Daniil Vorobyov Naomi Velissariou Marc Madeleyn Régis Dorion Koosje Bulens    薇麗亞和尼克的愛情就像我們大家的一樣,被彼此吸引,開始更進一步的接觸、認識然後了解,這些我們都知道也曾在愛情中經歷過的。  愛情是互相的,包括互相愛戀、互相呵護甚至互相傷害。愛人們動盪的兩人關係中
出于爱 剧情
鬼镇 HD 瑞奇·热维斯 格雷戈·金尼尔 蒂娅·里欧妮 克莱尔·劳蒂尔  布莱恩·胡奇森 阿西夫·曼德维    在纽约行医的伦敦牙医伯特伦•平库斯(瑞奇•吉弗斯 Richy Gervais 饰)不善与人相处,自私自利又愤世嫉俗。在一次结肠手术意外中,伯伦特假死7分钟,醒来后便具有了与鬼魂交流的能力。被众鬼魂
鬼镇 喜剧
塞莱斯蒂娜 HD 佩内洛普·克鲁兹 胡安·迭戈·博托 玛丽维尔·贝尔杜    年轻贵族蓝郎爱上富商女儿玛丽芭。蓝郎的仆人Sempronio 建议找女巫Celestina来促进此事。但另外一个仆人Parmeno 对女巫深感怀疑,因为他清楚知道她的把戏。其后女巫让玛丽芭深信蓝郎
塞莱斯蒂娜 剧情
利己主义2022 HD 铃木亮平 宫泽冰鱼 阿川佐和子 中村优子 和田庵 柄本明    本片改编自已故小说家高山真的同名自传小说,主人公浩辅(铃木亮平 饰)14岁母亲去世,来到东京成为时尚杂志编辑的他一直用华丽的衣装作为保护自己的铠甲。这时他遇到了对自己的美不自知的龙太(宫泽冰鱼 饰
利己主义2022 爱情
穿黄靴子的女孩 HD Kalki Koechlin    Ruth is searching for her father – a man she hardly knew but cannot forget. Desperation drives her
穿黄靴子的女孩 剧情